Friday, January 8, 2010 blog

Wow, it has been so long since I have written a blog. It has been just over a year. Honestly, I didn't think it had been that long. So, I am not going to go into detail everything that happened this last year. But I will say that God is FAITHFUL. We have had struggles just like many others in the world today, but God has blessed our family. He has provided for us. He has comforted us. He has covered us from all areas. It still amazes me that He is so generous when we are so undeserving.
If I had to share a lesson that I learned this year, it would be not to expect so much from people. Everyone is human. I am terrible at expecting people to do things exactly the way I've done them or better. The fact is, no one does anything EXACTLY alike. Even when we say "I do the same exact thing," there is always something different. It's usually the feeling behind it. Those feeling are what push us to be who we are. And if who are isn't full of grace, forgiveness and Christ's love, then are we really doing our job? No. God gives us chance after chance. We have to do the same thing. No one is perfect and no one should be. If we were, what was the cross for?